Recent Developments of Leukemia in Children

A Literature Review


  • nisrina zahra UPN Veteran Jawa Timur
  • Prita Aulia Nastaghfiruka Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur


childhood leukimia, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, drug resistence, side effects, health disparities, risk factors


Childhood leukemia is one of the most common types of blood cancer in children. Despite advancements in treatment, challenges such as drug resistance and long-term side effects persist. Access to care remains a global issue. Objective: This systematic review aims to identify trends in childhood leukemia treatment, including novel therapies, challenges, and associated risk factors. Findings:Targeted therapy and immunotherapy have offered new hope in treating childhood leukemia. However, drug resistance remains a major challenge. Additionally, long- term side effects of intensive treatment, such as organ damage and increased risk of secondary cancers, need to be considered. Conclusion: Progress in treating childhood leukemia has yielded encouraging results. However, further research is still needed to overcome existing challenges. Future research should focus on developing more personalized therapies and gaining a deeper understanding of the genetic and environmental risk factors that contribute to the development of leukemia.




How to Cite

zahra, nisrina, & Nastaghfiruka, P. A. (2024). Recent Developments of Leukemia in Children: A Literature Review. Journal of Diverse Medical Research: Medicosphere, 2(2), 17–24. Retrieved from