Analysis of Public Knowledge Regarding Preparedness in Facing Earthquake Disasters
A Literature Review
disaster, earthquake, preparedness, counselingAbstract
Background: Earthquakes are one of the natural disasters that often occur in various countries.
In 2023, there were 10,789 earthquakes in Indonesia with 54,652 fatalities. Method: in the
form of a literature review by collecting information taken from several journals in the form
of primary data. The data obtained came from the PubMed, NCBI, Google Scholar, Mendeley,
ResearchGate, and Scopus databases for the last 5 years based on keywords. Purpose: This
article aims to improve community preparedness for earthquake disasters. Results: Educational
counseling and simulations carried out to foster public understanding of disaster preparedness
are the right steps to build public awareness of the importance of disaster preparedness in
accordance with established guidelines. Preparedness as stipulated in Law No. 24/2007
concerning Disaster Management is defined as a series of activities carried out to anticipate
disasters through organizing with appropriate and efficient steps. Conclusion: Increasing
community capacity through appropriate health promotion will have an impact on the level of
local community participation in understanding the importance of disaster preparedness,
especially earthquakes in the area.
Keywords: Disaster, Earthquake, Preparedness, Counseling